Using ReShade to turn Legends of Equestria into a Gorgeous Game

Legends of Equestria is a great labour of the fandom which we have covered here many times before. It has certainly gotten way less attention in recent history, to the point of it being rather difficult to find players unless you join the official Discord Server or have some friends with you, but the game is still actively updated and alive to this day, even if only during events.
While the game has hours worth of content, quests, maps and unique areas which can take your days to traverse the entirety of — trust me, I have tried — it is not the most graphically stunning game. That's not any fault of the game, but it is not hard to improve it yourself using ReShade, a generic software which allows you to inject post-processing effects on your favorite games. The rest of the post will be displaying photos I have taken of the game using the shaders I've crafted. They turn the game into a stunning, serene experience.

All Pony Platforming Project Games Now (Actually) Functional + Last Demo of Minty Fresh Adventure 2 "Always the Bridesmaid"

A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGGGGG time ago in a distant version of the My Little Pony fandom, there was a series of pony flash platformers known as the Pony Platforming Project. They have been broken on the arcade for... as far as I know... but thanks to a new Ruffle update, it is now trivially simple to host the games correctly without hacking them to Tartarus and back! Some have additionally received some extra content in the form of codes for custom levels for the level editor, or mentions of secrets most of you have likely never seen!
Additionally, we have added the last game of the series on the arcade, or at least the last working demo of it. Beware that despite this being a "new" game, it was released in... 2013! This game was intended to be the sequel to Minty Fresh Adventure as the title implied, with the addition of 2 other playable characters all with improved movesets and RPG elements. Alas, though that has not come to fruition, as the creator has long moved on to greener pastures, the series is now complete and fully playable on the arcade!

Pony Joust By Nicky Case On The Arcade + Our Mod!

Pony Joust by nutcasenightmare, now known as Nicky Case is a small HTML5 game in the same vein as Pony Wings from the same creator. You play as Fluttershy scared out of her little wings jousting (the pegasus equivalent of jousting) against Rainbow Dash to knock each other into the mud (or lava)! The game was made in HTML5 to enable modding, so, for you more edgy gamers, we have our own graphical overhaul just for you. Check it out!

Review - Derpy’s Fun House

Cute little Point and Click derp-venture.
It sure has been a while since we last did a proper review, hasn’t it? And look what just struck our mailbox, and have been doing rounds around in the fandom. A cute looking adventure game with everypony’s favourite derped background pony. This ought to be a cozy little experience.
Derpy’s Fun House is the first endeavour by the Raztudio team, with the game available on and somehow a release, albeit as a free download, on Steam somehow. I suppose, if you stay quiet enough, copyright isn’t a factor, even on the biggest game distribution platform.
First impressions are charming. Doesn’t look like a massive experience that is gonna devour hours, something like 20 minutes, but hey, looks can be deceiving. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30, it looks like a cute time regardless of the length, that would put a smile on most anyone who plays it. But enough hypothesizing about the game, from just screenshots and trailer footage, how about letting the game speak for itself.

PixelShy: Orchestra, Shake Your Tail, Vertigo Maze, Pegasus Express

The third and final batch of PixelShy games by DracoBlair are now on the arcade! The new games are:
  • Orchestra - Repeat the song after Fluttershy... Yea, I honestly can't make this game seem more interesting than it is.
  • Shake Your Tail - A rhythm game featuring classic brony music!
  • Vertigo Maze - Lead Fluttershy through crazy spinning mazes! (preferably without getting motion sick in the process)
  • Pegasus Express - Endless Runner with Fluttershy!

Battle Gem Ponies Released! ...No, Seriously, for Realz!

It's finally out, guys. You can download the long awaited Battle Gem Ponies on Windows, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, and even Amazon Tablets! (His words, not mine)
You can check out the Launch Trailer on YouTube (which premiered during the 2024 Monster Taming Direct this morning) if you wanna hype yourself up even more!