RoBorg's Pony Game Microsite

This is a wonderful gem of the past featuring 8 pony games and interactive experiences exuding raw 2012 energy. All of them are very short and sweet, but here is the rundown:

Pony-Escape by PonyDevs

Supreme horse-game mazing n' gaming! Finished in 9.02 seconds.
This is a very simple maze game made by the PonyDevs community featuring rarity trying to escape randomly generated mazes... which sometimes are invisible... or while being stalked by the Smooze... or both. Your goal is to guide rarity through the monochromatic labyrinth into the black void on the right. rarity is clapping her hooves because she is so happy to be engulfed by the dark, empty void!
That is pretty much it. Not much more to say. Though I always like myself a some mazes, so this is my best attempt so far at speed-mazing (I just made that term up right now!). Timing starts the frame the new maze loads in and ends on the frame the "You Escaped!" text appears. Try to beat my time!

Unicorn Training Returns for Its 10th Anniversary!

Always nice to see an older pony game get a little love after all of this time! Unicorn Training is back on the scene, freed from Digital Purgatory after having been removed from the app store a few years back. There's been plenty of little tweaks and quality of life improvements made for this re-release, which you can read more about in the press release below the break!

Arcade Spotlight: Zap Apple Buckin' by zztfox

In the spotlight this week we've got Zap Apple Buckin', a cute and simple little point and click by the talented pony pixel artist zztfox! Tap (or click!) on all of the ripe Zap Apples before they disappear to help Applejack harvest them, making sure to take great care to avoid the unripe ones. Harvest as many of them as you can within the time limit in order to get a high score and increase your rank, which give you greater and greater score multipliers the higher up you get!
Just a quick note! When a round ends, the screen will fade to black, then the results screen fades in, and then you go back to the title screen. Around level 20 or so, there's a bug wherein the screen will fade to black like normal, but won't fade back in again. The game is still going when this happens! Your progress is saved between rounds, so just listen for the title screen sounds and then refresh the page to continue playing. Happy harvesting!

Scoot Hard DX: Daytime Drama Zero by Waffle Iron Studios. DOOM with Scootaloo in the Rainbow Factory!

Yippie-ka-yay MotherB**cker

-Chicken, aka Scootaloo.

Scoot Hard DX: Daytime Drama Zero is a WIGZDOOM mod which released 3 years ago and which I am simply flabbergasted to see has not received any attention at all from any part of the fandom.

Loosely based on Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn, you play as Scootaloo, who must escape the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation and get her friends back – by kicking flank! With tons of humor, an array of equine enemies, huge levels, powerful weapons, a look and feel like something off mid-2000s Newgrounds, and full voice acting.

This game is simply chock-full of love and passion. The game knows what it is and doesn't take itself too seriously. The voice acting complements it perfectly, being as cheesy as possible and reminding you that, yes, you are indeed playing a silly (but absolutely AWESOME) pony game.

The next part of the article will be me showing some of the awesome easter eggs and details I have found in the game. I highly recommend you check it yourself, as to not ruin the surprise. Mild spoilers ahead!

Battle Gem Ponies Alpha Demo for Backers and Future Development Plans!

We got an update on Yotes games' Monster Tamer game with ponies: Battle Gem Ponies! They have an alpha out for all of their backers and more information out for the future development of the game!
Your BGP Adventure kicks off with meeting the young Professor Bucky of Equestrian Labs. Which then leads into a hunt for the 6 Alpha Ponies roaming the regional outpost. Find them all, and trigger a showdown against the villainous Paragon Cartel who are out on a hunt of their own...
If you can't sit down on your seat and wanna support some epic pony projects and get to play them early, you can support the game's development on their patreon. If you're unsure about the game, you can always check the demo on their page to see if you like it!

Arcade Spotlight: Pinkie Pie's Water Balloon Toss

This is a deceptively simple game. You play as Pinkie Pie and your goal is to get as many ponies wet as possible with a limited supply of water balloons in less than a minute, for some reason... (It's Pinkie Pie, okay?)
The further the ponies are, the faster they move and the more points they give. There is a perfect theoretical score of 40000, which can only be achieved by using up all of your water balloons on the pegasi at the very back without getting blocked by passer-by equines.
NOTE: Ruffle has a small issue with this game of only displaying "100 points" when you hit any of the ponies. This doesnt effect gameplay and is just a visual bug, as your score gets updated with the correct ammount in the end.
Knowing all that, my high score is...
I know I could decompile the game and cheat to get it and see what happens if you get it, but that's BORING. Take a shot at it! Can you get the perfect score?