Saturday 26 October 2013
Megamare X Seeking Level Designers
SaltyJustice, a prominent developer from Starlight Studios, decided that Megamare X could really use a new level designer and submitted a post on Ponychan's /collab/ board asking for help. Problem is, he apparently hasn't realized that /collab/ is (among other things) dead and very unproductive. Since I can safely assume that all of us want to see the project reach completion in the near future, I decided to take the liberty of reposting his thread in hopes that he would have more luck finding someone here.
A copypasta of the full post, along with details on how to apply, can be found below the break.
A copypasta of the full post, along with details on how to apply, can be found below the break.
Hello everypony!
Starlight Studios is developing a game called Megamare-X, and we're looking for at least one level designer to help us make it a reality.
The game is a jump-and-run-and-shoot platformer modelled after Megaman-X. More information is available upon request, but the important point is that our level designer must be able to analyze and understand how a Megaman-X level works and is constructed.
Much of the public information on the project can be found at
What we are not looking for is simple level layouts. We are also not specifically looking for someone to do art (tiles, backgrounds) for these levels, though that skill is handy if you have it. What we are looking for is someone who understands (or is not averse to learning) what makes a level fun, what features can be added, how the enemies and their positioning contributes to the level, and how a level is meant to teach a player over time.
If you're really interested, we also require that you be online and attentive. We use skype to communicate with one another, and have team meetings often throughout the week, and you are required to be present at least once a week (more is better!). We do our best to keep times flexible, but being present and communicating often is vital!
If you have previous level-design experience, by all means, apply! If you don't, but think you have the guts, you may as well take a stab at it. We work hard and we're at it all the time - this is a fan project, but it's also our passion, and we hope to make another game after Megamare-X that will be commercial. If you're good at your job, we might have a place for you.
This recruiting drive will last a finite amount of time, so don't delay. I will reply to this thread once we close it. If you have additional questions, post them here. What is expected of you will be detailed after we receive your reply, serious applicants only.
To apply: Email me directly. saltyjustice AT starlightstudios DAWT org Make sure to leave some method of contacting you.
Skype is preferred, but email will do as well.
- Tuxxy
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